
New User Registration

Prior to submitting a grant request, each person who will be requesting grants on behalf of an organization must complete a new user registration by providing some basic business contact information and a password. After your registration is created, you will be able to log in to our grant management portal. Your first time in the portal you will be asked to either link your registration to an existing organization or create a new organization.

  • If your organization already exists in our portal, you will be able to select the organization name and address from a pre-populated, drop-down list.
  • If your organization is not already in our portal, you will be asked to provide information including but not limited to, legal business name, organization type, and business address. This information should match information that would be submitted on an appropriate tax form (e.g., W-8, W-9). No tax forms will be collected at the time of application but will be requested if your grant application is approved.

Immediately following completion of the registration, you may submit a grant application.

Grant Application

All grant applications must be submitted online after logging in to your portal account and must be submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to the program start date or they will not be considered for review. It is recommended for organizations outside the United States or for grants with events occurring outside the United States that grants be submitted at least one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the overall program start date.

A grant request submission includes completion of an online application as well as uploading some required documentation (a full grant proposal and a budget, at a minimum). To reduce processing time, the requesting organization should ensure uploaded documentation is consistent with your portal application entries.

The requesting organization is entirely responsible for submitting a grant, including responding to requests for clarification or additional information from the LGO. Questions from requesting organizations should be submitted directly to the LGO using the customer support contact information and should not be routed through other non-LGO Lilly contacts.

Components of the full grant proposal vary by grant type. The most current grant submission requirements for each grant type are included on the portal for reference when applying for a grant. Information requested may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Executive summary (an optional, recommended template is included in Step 2 of the application process)
  • Program agenda
  • Program detail, including a description of your program content
  • Event details, including start and end dates as well as intended learners
  • Detailed line-item budget showing the intended use of the requested funds (more detailed information is available in the Funding/Budget FAQ)
  • Learning objectives
  • Target audience and audience generation
  • Gaps, barriers, and needs assessment
  • References
  • Program evaluation and outcomes plan

After Approval

Recipients receiving support may be required to provide the following information:

  • A post-program budget reconciliation and/or attestation.
  • Transparency-related data required for local, state, federal, and/or national disclosure. See our transparency information .
  • For independent medical education programs designed to lead to measurable improvements in healthcare professional competence, performance, and patient care:
    • Intermittent updates on progress via status reports, periodic outcomes, and final outcomes reports.
    • Monthly data entry of participation (Level 1) data into your portal account.
    • Quarterly data entry of satisfaction, knowledge, competence, and/or performance (Levels 2-4+) data into your portal account.
    • For more detailed information on outcomes reporting, please refer to the IME Outcomes Reporting Guidance Document on the Welcome page of your portal account upon login.
Apply for a Grant